Jennifer Hogwood Sculpture
About artist Jennifer Hogwood
Jennifer Hogwood was born in 1980 in a picturesque rural village in Bedfordshire. This rural setting is important. The countryside has meant a lot to Hogwood; the animals to be found within such pastoral idylls now work their way into her creative imagination. In this way, it should be of no surprise that the cow, at once humble and noble, has featured prominently as a motif throughout her body of work.
A Unique and characterful style
Not having had any formal training training, Jennifer Hogwood blossomed as an extremely talented self-taught artist. For her, creating art is a calming and peaceful process. It is something that reflects the sense of relaxation which those rolling cow-filled fields also represent to her. These are the fields which connect Hogwood to her childhood and which have been at the heart of all she creates.
Joyful and distinctive
Jennifer Hogwood sculpture is known for its distinctive and bold style which is clear to see in her 'The McMoos' collection, a set of highland cows which act as the characters in her artistic world. These highland cows were first brought to life on the canvas, but now we have a fantastic opportunity to see them take a more vital physical form in this range of Jennifer Hogwood bronze sculptures.
Bubbling with energy
For lovers of animals, Hogwood's sculptures will be extremely attractive. More than that, though, they have a kind of bubbling energy and joyfulness that means they have an ever wider appeal. At the same time as having this broad quality, they are highly distinctive in their style, and this all comes down to the particular way Jennifer Hogwood has developed her own way of visualizing and rendering these wonderful animals.